Dumpster Sizes

To find out more about exactly how our roll off dumpsters can aid you with your debris removal project, compare the most common sizes listed below to select the appropriate rental. JJ's Roll Off and Disposal provides dumpster rental sizes ranging from 10 to 25 cubic yards.

10 Yard Dumpster

This dumpster size is excellent for a variety of residential debris removal tasks – such as a do-it-yourself house renovating project or basic cleaning.
Consider renting this dumpster size if you are simply looking to clean up your garage or other areas in your home.
How much can a 10-yard dumpster hold?
A 10-yard dumpster can hold 10 cubic yards of material.
This is about equal to the size of four pickup truck loads of debris

15 Yard Dumpster

This dumpster size is excellent for a variety of residential debris removal tasks – such as a do-it-yourself house renovating project, basic cleaning or small construction projects.
Consider renting this dumpster size if you are simply looking to clean up your garage or other areas in your home.
How much can a 15-yard dumpster hold?
A 15-yard dumpster can hold 15 cubic yards of material.
This is about equal to the size of six pickup truck loads of debris

25 Yard Dumpster

Our 25 yard containers are the best roll off dumpsters for taking care of debris from outdoor projects or a big house remodeling job. This dumpster size can be filled easily and it is big enough to take care of most junk removal demands.
How much can a 25-yard dumpster hold?
A 25-yard dumpster can hold 25 cubic yards of material.
This is comparable to nine pickup truck loads of debris.